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Getting Started


  • You need Java JRE installed (Java 17 or later).

  • To use the plugin you need Gradle version 8.8 or later.

Using the plugin

To start you need to create a directory for the project, then you should add a build.gradle file with following content into your build.gradle file.

Gradle Plugin Portal Version

plugins {
id '' version '3.18.1'

Then you can list the tasks available with the command:

gradle tasks

You can follow one of the next steps to create a quick start project with commands

Quick Start

mkdir scaffold-quick-start
cd scaffold-quick-start
echo "plugins {
id '' version '3.18.1'
}" > build.gradle
gradle ca --name=ScaffoldQuickStart
./gradlew gep --type webflux
./gradlew bootRun

Then open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/api/usecase/path and it will reply with an empty string, to change the response you can modify the Handler class in the entry-points/reactive-web


The Scaffolding Clean Architecture plugin will allow you the next tasks: