Getting Started
You need Java JRE installed (Java 17 or later).
To use the plugin you need Gradle version 8.8 or later.
Using the plugin
To start you need to create a directory for the project, then you should add a build.gradle
file with following
content into your build.gradle file.
plugins {
id '' version '3.20.15'
Then you can list the tasks available with the command:
gradle tasks
You can follow one of the next steps to create a quick start project with commands
Quick Start
- Mac OS / Linux
- Windows
mkdir scaffold-quick-start
cd scaffold-quick-start
echo "plugins {
id '' version '3.20.15'
}" > build.gradle
gradle ca --name=ScaffoldQuickStart
./gradlew gep --type webflux
./gradlew bootRun
# Create a directory and navigate into it
New-Item -ItemType Directory -Name "scaffold-quick-start"
Set-Location -Path "scaffold-quick-start"
# Create the build.gradle file with the specified content
plugins {
id '' version '3.20.15'
"@ | Set-Content -Path "build.gradle"
# Run the Gradle commands
gradle ca --name=ScaffoldQuickStart
.\gradlew gep --type webflux
.\gradlew bootRun
@echo off
:: Create a directory and navigate into it
mkdir scaffold-quick-start
cd scaffold-quick-start
:: Create the build.gradle file with the specified content
echo plugins {
echo id '' version '3.20.15'
echo }
) > build.gradle
:: Run the Gradle commands
gradle ca --name=ScaffoldQuickStart
gradlew gep --type webflux
gradlew bootRun
Then open your browser and go to http://localhost:8080/api/usecase/path and it
will reply with an empty string, to change the response you can modify the Handler
class in the
The Scaffolding Clean Architecture plugin will allow you the next tasks: